iCare Project

Gruppo SIGLA, together with Giannina Gaslini Institute, the Regional Reference Center Palliative Care and Pediatric Pain Therapy and DITEN (University of Genoa), won the First Prize for the Best Oral Communication at the National Competition Vittorio Ventafridda for submission the "Telematics Platform for network management of pediatric patients with incurable diseases highly complex to care: the Ligurian experimental model".

The project arises under the call of the Smart Cities and Communities and aims to develop a telematics platform for managing a network of pediatric patients with incurable diseases high-complexity care. Telemedicine applied to this area may allow the patient and his family to interact in real time with both the healthcare team (both local and the reference center) and the social fabric of belonging, through the "remote control" of the different phases of the care process, from diagnosis to treatment.

The "iCare" telematics platform is developed as part of pediatric palliative home care operated by the Regional Reference Centre of the Giannina Gaslini Institute, which follows directly pediatric patients at their residence or at care facilities, by administering appropriate palliative care, and using integrated home assistance with facilities in the area. The services offered by iCare (cloud based) will allow you to monitor the hospitalization period of the pediatric patient in his home. The reduction of the residence days in the hospital, and the costs associated with them, they can also translate, in particular, in an improvement of the conditions of safety and patient comfort.

Specifically, the use of iCare by all those involved in home care will allow:

  • rationalize and improve the management of clinical and therapeutic data of the patient by ensuring appropriate access to people involved in the various phases and care situations/li>
  • improve the availability of communication between patients and care facilities ensuring efficiency in communications and non-invasiveness of the same
  • simplify the management tools of various aspects behaved by the available assistance of the medical personnel involved

In order to improve the lifestyle of patients, each subject of the care process will help, according to the tools provided by the system, to supplied additional data in support the care activities sometimes even at a preventive level.


Administrative Data

  • C.C.I.A.A.  /   11668330159

  • R.E.A.  /  360227

  • Tax Code  /  11668330159

  • VAT  /  01180940999

  • Share Capital  /  € 81.600,00