Our Business Intelligence offer also includes the "suite" of software for business analysis QlikView.

QlikView allows business users to navigate data with consistency, flexibility and typical of human thought associative approach. QlikView draws strength from its associative search technology in-memory, which has made tremendous progress in the computing power. The technology platform enables users to consolidate huge and diverse set of data and discover relationships between the real-time data.

QlikView is based on an architecture tailored to suit the need for analysis and reporting in every organization, and provides all the features of traditional BI tools in a single architecture: the functions of ETL (extraction, transformation and loading of data ) up to their representation in the form of dashboards, interactive analysis and reporting.

The main advantages of QlikView are:

  • Rapidity
    It is possible to do trend analysis of large volumes of data with response times of a few seconds
  • Flexibility
    You can get any information in a few simple selections
  • Easy to use
    Thanks to evolved QlikView interface, the necessary training is extremely reduced
  • Saving
    It allows a data compression which makes it possible to use even on low-end computers without this affecting performance
  • Information sharing
    It is possible to give each user his share of information. The use can also take place off-line, disconnected from the corporate network


Administrative Data

  • C.C.I.A.A.  /   11668330159

  • R.E.A.  /  360227

  • Tax Code  /  11668330159

  • VAT  /  01180940999

  • Share Capital  /  € 81.600,00