SMART 3 represents an innovative and complete software solution for Real Time Environmental Monitoring and the generation of statistical reports. Evolution of previous versions and developed in accordance with the Ministerial regulations that settle the emissions of harmful gases and dust into the atmosphere by industrial plants. Furthermore, in its latest version, SMART extends its range of action to the analysis of data relating to work environments, such as environmental noise and the presence of acid aerosols.
Through SMART it is possible to acquire, historicize and present in different formats, the environmental data necessary for the detection of the protection of air quality, the protection of the environment and health inside and outside the company and the plant itself.
SMART allows you to interface with various monitoring hardware systems (environmental control units, weather control units, smoke analyzers, etc.) in a flexible and fully configurable way as regards the reference parameters and tolerances. It is therefore suitable for use on all systems that can give rise to emissions into the atmosphere.
It is an excellent tool for obtaining data that can be used for the purpose of obtaining certification of compliance with the UNI EN ISO 14001/2004 standard if combined with other traditional or advanced detection systems, suitable for monitoring other pollutants.
The SMART portal, in accordance with the decrees indicated above, was created by providing for the parameterization of all the data being processed. These parameters are therefore easily modifiable according to the type of issue and / or legislative changes. In particular, it is possible to detect whether a company's emissions have exceeded established limit values, or to verify the impact of pollutants on the workplace and surrounding areas.