Digital solutions for the well-being of the elderly

Together with a European consortium coordinated by CERTH (Greece), Gruppo SIGLA - a company of Relatech Group - has won, with the FrailCare project, access to Phase 1 of the PCP – Pre Commercial Procurement call for tender of the European project eCare, funded by European Commission under Horizon 2020.

Through the procedure of the pre-commercial tender, eCare aims to implement and bring disruptive digital solutions to the territory for the prevention and effective and efficient management of frailty focusing also on the control of the economic pressure on health and assistance services. Particularly, these solutions consist of real-time monitoring systems of physiological, behavioral and social parameters, tools solutions supporting the adherence to pharmacological therapies, and services providing innovative therapeutical approaches based on serious games for the maintenance and improvement of cognitive and motorial capacities. eCare works on 4 phases designed to accompany the transformation of the design idea into a market product.

In this context, the consortium of which Gruppo SIGLA belongs to, officially started the activities related to Phase 1 on December 21, 2021. In particular, this phase involves the design of a cost-effective, integrable and interoperable solution, which considers the requirements and architecture of the complete solution and interacts with the digital systems and processes of the stakeholders involved in the project that - in the case of FrailCare - are the Local Health Authority of Benevento (ASL BN) and the University Hospital of Aachen (Germany). At the end of Phase 1, scheduled for May 2022, the results of FrailCare will be examined and evaluated in order to verify the conditions for accessing the second phase of the PCP eCare call for the realization of the prototype of the platform.

FrailCarestarts from the willingness of some of its key partners to use the results of the FrailSafe project in which they participated, and already been funded by the European Horizon 2020 program. The intention is to bring to market the most important part of the FrailSafe system - which ended in spring 2019 with excellent results - integrating it with new scenarios and thus creating a tool dedicated to enhancing and support the independent and active life of the aging population preventing frailty conditions.


Administrative Data

  • C.C.I.A.A.  /   11668330159

  • R.E.A.  /  360227

  • Tax Code  /  11668330159

  • VAT  /  01180940999

  • Share Capital  /  € 81.600,00