European Re-Witch Project

In the Work Program of the European Commission 2023-2024 within the Horizon Europe Framework Program several calls for tenders have been proposed for the “Efficient, sustainable and inclusive use of energy” destination. This destination has at heart activities with significant energy demand and aims to develop solutions for increasing consumption efficiency in buildings and industries and contributes to the SET Plan (Strategic Energy Technology Plan). In particular, the call HORIZON-CL5-2023-D4-01-06 requested proposals for the development of systems to convert waste heat, or heat produced from renewable sources, into cooling sources to be used in processes industrial.

The proposal RE-WITCH responded to this request by uniting 26 partners (including Gruppo SIGLA - a company of the Relatech Group - STAM, CNR, TECNALIA and University of Genoa) coming from 10 different countries and obtaining funding amounting to Euro 9,903,767.51 for the development of these systems and the demonstration of their effectiveness in 4 demonstration sites located in 4 European states, as well as for a theoretical proof of the effectiveness of this approach in 3 others replication sites. The aim of the project is to bring the developed systems to a TRL (Technology Readiness Level) equal to 7, which is equivalent to bringing the demonstration of a system prototype into an operational environment.

The four demonstration sites will be:

  • an industrial brewery (Browar Głubczyce, Głubczyce, Poland);
  • a food industry (COVAP, Pozoblanco, Spain);
  • an industry for the production of fuels from renewable sources (MILOIL, Serres, Greece);
  • a pharmaceutical industry (APIKAL LOSAN pharma, Eschbach, Germany).

Within the project, Gruppo SIGLA collaborates with partners for the design and implementation of the customized controller for the automation of the logics of use of waste heat and /o from renewable sources for the optimization of the energy parameters of all the systems involved, thus implementing the know-how that is already developing in ZHENIT project in the naval sector in other sectors, and for the development of a simulation software tool to be able to extend the use of this solution to other industrial realities after evaluating the cost/benefit ratio.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or CINEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.


Administrative Data

  • C.C.I.A.A.  /   11668330159

  • R.E.A.  /  360227

  • Tax Code  /  11668330159

  • VAT  /  01180940999

  • Share Capital  /  € 81.600,00