SMART platform for water monitoring

A few years ago Gruppo SIGLA realized the SMART software solution for Real Time Environmental Monitoring and the generation of statistical reports, developed on the basis of the Ministerial Decrees that regulate the emissions of dust and harmful gases into the atmosphere, by industrial plants.

The platform, at the request of one of our important customers operating in the industrial sector, is also extended to water monitoring. A complete system for monitoring groundwater and wells is made, in line with the procedures and methods already used during the creation of the SMART system for the flue monitoring part. The monitoring data and the output reports are in compliance with the directives of the legislative decree on environmental matters D.lgs 152/06.

SMART s based on a Client / Server architecture with the following main features:

  • Acquisition (or manual input) and processing of data from the control units, data from continuous emissions analyzers and weather data
  • Processing of data received for verification and validation
  • Configuration of the system for updating or extending existing equipment
  • Real-time monitoring of the system status, highlighting alarm situations
  • Storing data and producing reports and graphs
  • Sending forms to the bodies responsible for the control

Also for the part related to water monitoring a complete system is realized for:

  • Acquisition of data from wells and piezometers through massive insertion (xls or xlsx sheets)
  • Acquisition of data from wells and piezometers by manually entering data using appropriate masks
  • Acquisition from weather stations through access to data already detected by the SMART system
  • Processing of the data received for verification and validation
  • Historizing and displaying data
  • Production of reports and graphs
  • Access to the system through user profiling


Administrative Data

  • C.C.I.A.A.  /   11668330159

  • R.E.A.  /  360227

  • Tax Code  /  11668330159

  • VAT  /  01180940999

  • Share Capital  /  € 81.600,00