Research and Innovation
In a market characterized by continuous technological developments, Gruppo SIGLA is engaged in intensive research and technology transfer activity for the development of innovative solutions and products, through the business unit Research and Innovation. This B.U. took part, along with industries, universities and research centers from European countries, to feasibility studies and research projects, within which are mainly carried out activities involving in industrial and applied research. These activities allow Gruppo SIGLA to refine its scientific and technological skills, acquiring, in this way, additional tools to deepen the knowledge and the exploitation of modern ICT technologies.
The international context and the issues on which Gruppo SIGLA focuses its research allow the company to increase its competitiveness through an ever wider technological offer and technology transfer, also translating into a further strengthening of its position on the ICT market, already consolidated by years of activity and experience. Some of the research topics addressed are: Internet Of Things and architectures of software systems and digital platforms, technological standards and applications in the field of digital health (e-Health), WBAN technologies (Wireless Body Area Network), Cybersecurity and privacy in both IT and OT, data protection and privacy, Smart City and Industry 4.0.
With regard to Cybersecurity issues, Gruppo SIGLA and CIPI "Interuniversity Research Center on Computer Platform Engineering" have created a Joint Laboratory. This collaboration aims to deepen the cooperation between university and company by carry-ing out both research activities in this area and activating virtuous processes of technology transfers and knowledge sharing for enriching both parties via constant dialogue between their components - involving technicians, researchers, students, managers. Taking advantage of the convergence between research and industry, the objective is also to promote the joint participation both to funded projects (e.g. actual Horizon 2020 and the forthcoming Horizon Europe) and to spin-offs and start-ups to promote young graduates and PhDs entrepreneurship.
Furthermore, in order to develop skills on issues related to Data Science and eXplainable AI, Gruppo SIGLA from 2021 is a sponsor of DataScienceSeed, a non-profit association fostering and spreading knowledge about this matter by means of online events and much more.
Gruppo SIGLA is one of the founding members of the Association of Competence Center for Strategic Infrastructure Security and Optimization "Start 4.0" , which is one of the eight highly specialized national competence centers dedicated to the issues of Industry 4.0, planned and financed by the Ministry of Economic Development. In order to consolidate the scientific and technical relations, Gruppo SIGLA is also a member of the following Technological Districts and Poles:
The international context and the themes of the research projects in which we are involved, both as partners and as coordinators, allow us to have an always innovative proposal in the following areas:
Intervention Areas
Gruppo SIGLA is committed to several projects dedicated to the resolution of particular application problems in specific areas.
Go to the Project Truth Seekers Chain
Blockchain, fake news, social media
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Go to the Project DIECI - Dispositivi ad Inchiostro Elettronico per la Città Intelligente
Go to the Project GESTEC - Tecnologie orientate ai Servizi per lo sviluppo e l'integrazione di piatttaforme ICT
Go to the Project ITS ITALIA 2020
Monitoraggio gallerie
Go to the Project PLUG-IN
Piattaforma per la mobilità urbana
Sistema Audio Luci
Go to the Project CHROMA
Sistema cromatografico
Go to the Project eCare
Digital solutions for frailty prevention in old adults
Go to the Project FÍLOS
Read More -
Go to the Project FrailSafe - Bridging health data and new technologies to delay frailty
Go to the Project Health@Home - Smart Communities a servizio del benessere del cittadino
Go to the Project PEGASO - Fit4Future Personalised guidance services for optimising lifestyle in teen-agers
Go to the Project REALTER - Dispositivo di Realtà Aumentata a supporto della riabilitazione visiva
Go to the Project SEACW - Social Ecosystem for Antiaging, Capacitation and Wellbeing
Go to the Project Progetto M.A.R.E.
Machine learning Applicata alla Ricerca sugli Ecosistemi marini tramite AUV -
Go to the Project Progetto EMC4Ports
Environmental Monitoring Center for Ports -
Go to the Project TIAMO
Tecnologie Iot per l'Ambiente MarinO
Go to the Project IMPAQUA
Qualità e impatto ambientale acquacoltura
Go to the Project OVMETER
Allertamento alga tossica
Go to the Project SEAGOSS
Monitoraggio sversamenti e qualità delle acque -
Go to the Project SEAPOL
Controllo delle maree e del vento
Go to the Project RE-WITCH - The coolest cold from the cleanest heat Read More
Go to the Project ZHENIT - Zero waste Heat vessel towards relevant ENergy savings also thanks to IT technologies
Go to the Project Pick-Up - Piattaforma di Integrazione di sensori IoT...
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Go to the Project GetMyChargingPole
Applicazione Mobile
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Go to the Project SITE
Sistemi Intelligenti per lo sviluppo di Tecnologie Energetiche -
Go to the Project START-ECO - Soluzioni e Tecnologie Avanzate per Reti di Telecomunicazioni ECO sostenibili
Go to the Project CitySCAPE
Cybersecurity e trasporti intermodali
Go to the Project CASTORE
Flussi passeggeri, infrastruttura trasporto, digital twin -
Go to the Project ToM
Tourist on the Move
Go to the Project ALPINATEC - Planning tool for the technical assistance on mobile technology
Go to the Project SlimPORT
Sicurezza, Logistica, Intermodalità Portuale
Go to the Project ModLog
Modelling and Optimization of Dynamic LOGistic systems