Speech Technologies
Gruppo SIGLA has been present for years in the Speech Technologies sector with expertise in the CTI (Computer Telephone Integration) area, with the implementation of Call and Contact Center projects for various areas (Automation Companies, Industries, Banks and Finance, Multiutility, ...).
Nella sua naturale propensione all’innovazione, Gruppo SIGLA ha incrementato anche in questo settore la sua proposta nel tempo, integrandola con tecnologie emergenti. E’ in quest’ottica che l’attuale proposta si avvale della partnership con Waycom ed Optilogix.
In its natural propensity for innovation, Gruppo SIGLA has also increased its offer in this sector over time, integrating it with emerging technologies. It is with this in mind that the current proposal makes use of the partnership with Waycom and Optilogix.
OptiLogix is the leading European OEM hardware manufacturer for the TDM and IP voice recording interface industry. Optilogix is an internationally oriented company, with its own R&D and manufacturing facility in the Netherlands, specializing in the design and manufacture of hardware technology to serve the call recording industry.
In particular the services offered to Companies are:
The proposal of Gruppo SIGLA in CRM sector involves the use of these technologies: