Gruppo SIGLA sponsors the 1st Edition of Hack4Ge
On 12 and 13 May, Gruppo SIGLA - a company of the Relatech Group - will participate as a sponsor in the 1st Edition of Hack4Ge, the first cyber security-themed Hackathon in Genoa, organized by Confindustria Genova and Ligurian Technological District - Siit ScpA.
In this event, different teams will compete in order to create the most powerful and accurate automatic analysis tool to identify specific cyber vulnerabilities within web applications. The main objective is to make participants aware of information security, stimulating them to develop new skills during the competition. Competitors will be provided with expert mentors and information resources to assist them in implementing their solution. The event will provide them with a unique opportunity to test their cybersecurity skills, as well as learn new techniques for protecting data.
At the end of the hackathon, a jury composed of specialists will evaluate the effectiveness of the tools created and will award the three teams with the highest score.