Realter Project
Gruppo SIGLA has acquired from the Liguria Region, under the POR FESR 2014-2020 call - Axis 1 - Action 1.2.4, technological area "Health and life science", the Realter biomedical project - Augmented Reality Device dedicated to the reproduction of alterations visual skills to support visual rehabilitation. Realter is proposed as an innovative project that aims to create a wearable device based on technologies derived from those for virtual and augmented reality to allow people involved in rehabilitation processes to see the real world "through the eyes" of people. visually impaired and to develop personalized rehabilitation strategies. With this tool it will be possible to improve rehabilitation procedures and, consequently, the ability of visually impaired people to orient themselves in space and interact with objects and people.
As part of the project, Gruppo SIGLA will focus its attention on the development of a Data Analytics system, in order to provide useful information to clinicians and operators specializing in the rehabilitation of visually impaired patients.
The project, coordinated by Ggallery, in collaboration with ETT, Gruppo Sigla and FOS Greentech, sees the participation, through partnership agreements, of IIT, the University of Genoa (DIBRIS) and the Chiossone Institute.