Gruppo SIGLA present CitySCAPE at EuroCybersec 2021

The EuroCybersec 2021 is an important event on cyber-security that will be held on the 25th and 26th of October 2021 in the heart of Nice. Gruppo SIGLA presents in collaboration with Engineering and Kaspersky CitySCAPE Project activities, as part of the Iotac Workshop guided by Professor Erol Gelenbe (IITIS-PAN & Lab I3S, Université Côte d’Azur).

CitySCAPE is a project funded by the European Commission under the previous Horizon 2020 framework to support European companies’ innovation. The project focuses on cybersecurity challenges on multimodal transports management IT systems and aims at investigating such challenges under different perspectives without neglecting economic and brand/communication impacts in case of successful attacks. The main result of CitySCAPE is a software toolkit, designed and implemented as an integrated collection of different software modules, to prevent and tackle cyber-attacks affecting IT systems of public transport’s infrastructures.

Specifically, the CitySCAPE Toolkit will

  • detect suspicious traffic-data values and identify persistent cyber-threats;
  • evaluate cyber-attacks’ impact in technical and financial terms;
  • combine external knowledge and internally-observed activities to enhance the predictability of zero-day attacks;
  • instantiate a networked overlay to circulate informative notifications to CERT/CSIRT and support their interplay.

The conference presentation focuses on the overall project’s objectives, on the progresses of the Italian pilot (public transports of Genova, Italy) and on the activities of partners participating to this initiative. In particular, it provides insights: on the integration of systems performed by Gruppo SIGLA (mobile, web, back-end systems); on the adoption of innovative systems introduced by Kaspersky to provide reliable information, gamified trainings, and secure mobile applications; on the implementation of the FIMCA and IPS/IDS elements implemented by Engineering.


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