The commitment of Gruppo SIGLA for Alternanaza Scuola-Lavoro
Gruppo SIGLA - a company of Relatech Group - has a long tradition of collaboration with Genoese high schools in activities related to the Alternanza Scuola-Lavoro (i.e., work experience for high-school students) and for many years it hosted students and trainees for work experiences part of educational paths.
Despite the effects of the restrictions, both legal and psychological, linked to the pandemic, in 2022 too, Gruppo SIGLA managed to keep the dialogue with training institutions and high schools active and alive. In particular the company has promoted some initiatives for the fourth grade students of the Istituto Scolastico Einaudi Casaregis Galilei of Genoa. The approach adopted was designed to facilitate compliance with the rules to combat the pandemic and at the same time to maintain the objectives of the Alternanza Scuola-Lavoro, i.e. to provide guidance tools for students, to foster establishment of relationships between education and work worlds and to offer students an opportunity for personal growth through extracurricular experiences.
In this sense, an in-depth activity on two crucial issues in recent years was proposed and designed together with the Professors and the Institute's management: cybersecurity and software development. Two meetings were therefore organized with professionals linked to Gruppo SIGLA and the University of Genoa. The lesson plan was as follows:
As always, Gruppo SIGLA demonstrates a strong link with the territory and the local social fabric thanks to its presence and commitment to initiatives, especially for young people, related to information technology and training.