Gruppo SIGLA participates in Seafuture 2023
Gruppo SIGLA - a company of the Relatech Group - will participate in the 8th edition of Seafuture which will take place at the Naval Base of La Spezia from 5 to 8 June 2023. Gruppo SIGLA will participate in this prestigious appointment as a guest of the Tecnomar Consortium, which will be present with a stand shared with the Ligurian District of Marine Technologies - DLTM to present its proposal in the Industrial Automation field.
Seafuture - the marine and dual use technologies fair, unique in the whole Mediterranean basin - is an important opportunity for discussion between the main national and international stakeholders on issues such as maritime safety, cybersecurity, green technologies for refitting, underwater defence, technological innovations in the naval sector and the blue economy.
Gruppo SIGLA will provide information on the activities it carries out in this specific sector, and in particular on:
Finally, it will be possible to receive information on the Zhenit project, for the development of innovative technologies that allow the recovery of energy from the waste heat of naval engines ("Waste Heat Recovery"). This project (Grant agreement No 101056801) is funded by the European Commission under the Horizon Europe Framework Program (HEU) and brings together eleven partners - including Gruppo SIGLA - from seven different countries.