CitySCAPE Italian Web Conf 2021
Gruppo SIGLA - a company of the Relatech Group - with the collaboration of the other Italian partners of the European project CitySCAPE , has organized a conference - in webinar format - for the morning of the 15th December 2021. The event aims at promoting the works and the objectives of the project.
In particular, the event agenda foresees that, after a short introduction to CitySCAPE and its context by ICCS, the partners present their contribution to the project. Gruppo SIGLA will start providing a quick update on the CitySCAPE platform design and on the integration aspect with the two pilot sites of Genova e Tallin cities. After that, AMT will provide a synthesis regarding all the relevant activities performed with the multimodal transport systems and with cybersecurity training and awareness rising towards their staff. Subsequently, STAM will show how their costs-benefits analysis module works for the evaluation of cybersecurity enhancing policies and actions focusing on Public Transport companies’ cases. Engineering will present Intrusion Detection e di Intrusion Prevention (IPS/IDS) Systems modules implementation details and how they relates to CitySCAPE objectives. A last speech will be given by Kaspersky that will introduce the audience on one side to the cyber-security tools dedicated to secure mobile applications, in particular concerning threats and vulnerabilities identification, on the other to cyber-security training systems for companies’ staff.
CitySCAPE is a project funded by the research and innovation program Horizon 2020 of the EU, which unites 15 partners from 6 different European countries in the aim of providing for cyber security needs in the context of multimodal transport.